- Can you move it? Can you walk on it? 您能移动那个部位吗?您能走路吗?
- The lid of this tin won't come off for me; can you move it? 听盖我弄不开,你能把它弄开吗?
- Can you move your seat a little bit further? 您能再坐过去点儿吗?
- Can you move? You're in my light and I can't read. 借个光行吗?你挡住亮我没法看书了。
- Can you move as usual? Is there any swelling? 能照常活动吗?肿吗?
- Can you move all your paraphernalia out of the way? 你可以把所有的随身物品移开吗?
- Can you move the car seat forward? 你能把车座向前移动吗。
- Don't leave your luggage in the aisle or the stewardess will make you move it. 别把行李放在通道里,否则空中小姐会要求你把它移走。
- Never mind. Can you move the cursor around on the screen? 不管它了,你可以看到光标在屏幕上吗?
- Morita: The 10th! Can you move up the delivery date? 森田:10日吗?能否提前交货呢?
- Why did you move it from a passive buff on the FH to an active channel on the VW. 为什么你们把它从一个地狱猎犬的被动效果移动到了虚空行者的主动通道效果呢。
- How can you justify your rude behaviour? 你怎能为你粗鲁的行为辩护?
- Can you swing it for me so that I get the job? 你能替我谋到那份工作吗?
- Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen? 能不能告诉我大概什么时候被偷的?
- The car won't start. Can you give it a shove? 这车子启动不了。你能不能推它一把?
- That chair is in the way, move it please. 那把椅子挡着路,请把它移开。
- Can you put it in simpler English? 你能用更简单的英语说吗?
- Your selection will "snap" to the suggested position as you move it past the other controls. 当您将选定控件移过其他控件时,选定控件就会“贴合”到建议的位置。
- Huh? How can you move into a building if you don't check? You don't want to live somewhere where it's hard to get cable. 什么?你怎么能没检查就搬进去呢?你不会想住在申请不到有线电视的地方吧?
- The box is so heavy that no one can move it away. 箱子太沉,没人能把它搬走。